Pupils from Ust-Kulom school forestry units were looking for the answer to that question with the help of the Silver Taiga foundation representatives at the event in the frame of the FSC Friday campaign. The event took place at the Ust-Kulom secondary school with the participation of schoolchildren from Ust-Kulom, Dereviansk, Ust-Nem, Kerchomy settlements.
The guys took part in the game, having played the roles of loggers, local residents, hunters, tourists, officials, ecologists and scientists. Before the game, the Foundation staff told the participants about the social and environmental requirements laid down in FSC certification standards, as well as how rural residents can apply FSC certification to protect their interests.

FSC-Friday participants in Ust-Kulom
| News, «High Conservation Value Forests» project by Just AuthorSilver Taiga Foundation launches a new subproject “Adaptation to climate change as part of the implementation of the Natural capital Protocol. Assessment of changes in carbon stocks for different forest management scenarios” which was approved by The Steering Committee of the project “High Conservation Value Forests”. It will contains recommendations for forest users on adaptation to climate changes.
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| News by Just AuthorLocal community of the Pozheg village in the Ust-Kulomsky district has decided not to burn tons of sheep wool anymore, but to start generate at least some income from it. A knitting studio should be created in the village. Local community of Pozheg made this suggestion during a workshop of the project “Northern Lights” – Women-led Initiatives in Inclusive Sustainable Rural Development”, which launched from the beginning of 2020 in three northwestern regions of Russia. In the Komi Republic, the project is coordinated by the Silver Taiga Foundation. Read more
| News by Just AuthorCoordination Council is the supreme management body of the Silver Taiga Foundation, which carries out management of the Foundation activity and ensures the observance by the Foundation of the goals it was created to accomplish. During the last meeting of Silver Taiga Coordination Council held on November, 21 the members of the Council satisfied the statement of Przemyslaw Majewski about his withdrawal from the Coordination Council. Przemyslaw Majewski was a Director of the Foundation since 2002 to 2013, and was elected as a Chairman to the Coordination Council membership since 2014 to 2019. Coordination Council members expressed gratitude to Przemyslaw for his efficient and long term work as the Coordination Council Chairman and for the great contribution to the development of Silver Taiga Foundation as a Director.
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Pupils of the Koslan Secondary School support to preserve the salmon population
| «Model river «Mezen» project by Just Author2019 has been declared the International Year of Salmon by the community of scientists and ecologists. The Association of Interests “We” from the Usogorsk Children Activity Center responded to the call to highlight the need to preserve the salmon population. Read more
How to preserve biodiversity when planning and organizing forest management?
| News, «High Conservation Value Forests» project by Just AuthorIt was discussed during the Republic-wide Final Foresters Meeting 2019, which took place on November 28 at the Syktyvkar Forest Institute. Director of the Foundation Yuriy Pautov and Forestry Coordinator Nikolay Shuktomov told about biodiversity conservation measures in timber harvesting. Read more
Mezen fishers are ready to share their experience with Vychegda fishers
| «Model river «Mezen» project by Just AuthorNikolai Shilov, Model River Mezen project Coordinator of the Silver Taiga Foundation, has told about it at the Round Table “Rural Areas Development”. The discussion held in the village of Ust-Kulom on November 19, 2019 in the frame of the reporting and election conference of the Ust-Kulomsky office of the interregional social movement Komi Voityr (Komi People). Read more
| «Model river «Mezen» project by Just AuthorAnnual results, areas of focus and plans for the upcoming year were discussed by the Working Group of the Sustainable Fish Resource Management in Cooperation with Local Communities: Model River Mezen project.
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What was seen on the bottom of the Mezen River?
| News, «Model river «Mezen» project by Just AuthorSilver Taiga field trip season was finished with an expedition to the upper reaches of the Mezen River (including its tributaries Upper and Lower Puzla), Elva Mezenskaya and Pyssa. The aim of a week-long tour (September 29 to October 6) was to monitor the Atlantic salmon spawning grounds under Model River Mezen project. The monitoring at the given area is being conducted since 2011. Read more
| News by Just AuthorPupils from Ust-Kulom school forestry units were looking for the answer to that question with the help of the Silver Taiga foundation representatives at the event in the frame of the FSC Friday campaign. The event took place at the Ust-Kulom secondary school with the participation of schoolchildren from Ust-Kulom, Dereviansk, Ust-Nem, Kerchomy settlements.
The guys took part in the game, having played the roles of loggers, local residents, hunters, tourists, officials, ecologists and scientists. Before the game, the Foundation staff told the participants about the social and environmental requirements laid down in FSC certification standards, as well as how rural residents can apply FSC certification to protect their interests.
FSC-Friday participants in Ust-Kulom
| News by Just AuthorSilver Taiga representatives’ article was published in the last issue of Sustainable Forest Management. The article presented a possible reduction in the number of salmon in the Northern Fisheries Basin due to the new federal law. Тhe law creates legal opportunities to a substantial reduction of spawning protective forest lines to the width of the water protection zones. The Northern Fisheries Basin is located in Arkhangelsk Region, Nenets Autonomous District, Murmansk Region, Republics of Karelia and Komi. An Educational Coordinator Nikolay Shilov and a GIS-Specialist of the Silver Taiga Foundation Alexander Borovlev have made a research on estimating possible reduction of spawning protective forest lines and the potential negative consequences for the ecological environment as well as for economy of the above listed regions due to possible decrease of Salmon population. Read more