Another regular meeting of the Model River Mezen Project Working Group was held on May 15. The main subject of the discussion was the information about the results of the meetings with the local population, representatives of the relevant institutions and self-government authorities of the Mezen district. The Working Group members discussed also the results of the survey conducted in the three Mezen districts according to the conclusion of the interdistrict conference held in Leshukonskoe village in 2014.
Nikolay Shilov, the project coordinator, made a report on the foregoing topics. A great amount of the information was presented to the members of the Working Group, thus it was said about the local population’s attitude towards the situation with the fishery resources of the Mezen and the quality of the resource management, including justification, practicability and fairness of the existing ways of fishing by the local population. The locals were also asked to give their opinion concerning the reasons of the loss of aquatic bioresources, especially salmon. Different proposals, very often exactly opposite, were put forward by the villagers with regard to easing of the situation. Without doubt, one is unlikely to find an ideal way of restoring the exhausted resource due to ambiguousness of the reasons that led to the current situation, as well as the socio-political situation, which is extremely complicated in rural districts. However, the results of these meetings and the survey helped to learn more about the local population’s opinion. They are also important for correcting the project activity and suggesting the further actions towards saving and restoring the resources of the Mezen.
According to Valentina Semyashkina, Silver Taiga Deputy Director, implementation of the project objectives is a long-term cooperation of all interested parties, including relevant institutions, institutes of science and education, NGOs and the local population. This year Silver Taiga Foundation has signed and is realizing the Cooperation Agreements with FSBI “Komirybvod”, “AgroUdora” cooperative, Specially Protected Natural Areas center of Komi Republic. Besides, several joint actions have been planned with the other structures and organizations, including educational institutions.
The proposals of the Working Group members were taken into consideration during preparation of the activity plan for 2015. Some of them have already been realized, the others will be finished during this summer or autumn. For example, a Field School will be organized in June for the students of the Usogorsk State School. An expedition is scheduled for this August to appraise the amount of the upcoming reclamation work on Irva River. According to the last year expedition, the river and its tributaries became bogged up and overgrown. It leads to shortening of the food supply and to the exhaustion of the fish resources. The monitoring and the replenishment of the salmon’s spawning grounds on the upper reaches of the Mezen River and its tributaries will take place in September-October for the 5th season in a row.
Due to systematic and coordinated actions of all interested parties, the foregoing actions, as well as the future activities of the project would contribute to restoring of fish resources and lead to the sustainable resource management.

Working Group meeting

Working Group meeting
Translated by Denis Popov (student)